Re: Curiosity about Japanese Games

[[wow]]. Guys, this post calls for a litle story of sorts, so bare with me please. But let's just say, I like these games a lot. Here's what happened for me last year:
Honestly, last year in the audiogame scene, specifically winter, was, to put it in one word, insane, and in a very good way. We'd had many ChoiceScript games by this point, but not many Audiogames were here, come October. Then it all went nuts.
BK3's build up was rediculous. Everyone was on about it, not much was really happening, no info, people kept asking.
October 6, 2013 8 pm or so: I'm on Teamtalk with forumight pitermach and a few others, and they tell me that a trailer got released. They gave me a link, I listened, and my excitement was there. Those who know me, probably have seen me go hyper when I get excited. Well it was like that. I was going nuts, reminising, talking about it, then all of a sudden I started to translate Yukio's tweets.
Imagine my shock when I saw a date in one of the tweets. October 7. I was thinking to myself, oh my gosh, how can I sleep? the date was the day after the trailer was released.
Well next day, I got up, went back to Teamtalk, and low and behold, it had happened. It had actually happened. I got very excited, robjoy had to carm me down by playing the bk3 menu music while I was waiting for my download, to distract me and also get me even more in the mood.
A 400 mb download too, I think this is the largest Audiogame we've had in our history, accept perhaps Swamp, but even that grew over time. This was 400 mb right off the bat, which was unheard of in the Audiogame market, unless there's one that I'm forgetting?
So, everything was cool. We played that for quite some time, I was waiting for Papa Sangre II. Well, that cdame to the iOS scene a few weeks later.
Then November came and someone discovered some sort of new update to Shadow Rine was on the way. And, here we go again. I got really quite excited, kept listening to the stuff.
December came and the trial for the fullvoice edition got released on the fourth. I played through that, even bringing a sighted person along for the ride at least for a while until they had to go. I beat it later that day.
Christmas came and went, exciting time as ever. First thing I got was the update to tdv 2, and the frozen soundtrack, but I digress.
I can't say I know the date when this happened, but I come onto the PC one day in 2014 and see a post in the old shadowrine topic from the developer, who until now hadn't shown up on this forum.
I thought aah, this is nice, he's gonna say thank you and such. Well imagine my surprise when it was actually a full blown announcement of the fullvoice edition's release, and I then took it upon myself to create a separate topic.
Again, this one was around 380 mb in size.
I'm now left wondering, what will be next? Palad in was great, but I also hope that something from the japanese devs will be coming this year, or whether it'll be 2015 when we see something new.

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