Re: jim kitchen headed for a great big lawsute?

You know,

Most people in the audiogames scene are pretty good in getting away with it, just because it really never leaves the community. This is a fact that we simply will have to face, as there are very few sighted gamers who will actually try out this kind of gaming. Maybe once, or twice, but as long as they have games that they can stick to that uses most of their senses, who would blame them for not going with those? Especially if they're produced by companies with huge budgets, so they can get licensed, and have generally better "quality" (Notice the quotes!) than the games that we'd be able to make in our spare time, as that's what most people tend to do.

Anyway, going back on track, Copyright law is one of the more complex ones. And while I myself have not much looked into it, I would not be surprised if it varied on states/countries. So I agree with Dark. As long as you don't make any profit off of it, I don't see why you sho uld really bother. Just do it.
If you're planning to sell your stuff though, you might want to take a read. And also figure out if you can simply sell a lot of stuff without licensing yourself as an individual who is able to do so allowed by the state. Not that they'd find out, unlikely, but should your game suddenly take off, not only might you be in for lawsuit trouble that you didn't know because you took sounds you randomly found on the web, but also because you could pay the state money for what you do, at least a good part of it, and they didn't know. So, you need to fix that by doing it afterwards. At least, that's what I understand.
Partly why I wouldn't feel comfortable selling my software. But if people have the option to not pay any money, they won't, and especially not if it's a donate button. And the most used excuse here is "I'm broke". LOL

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