Re: I'm blind and want to develop a very complex game

6 months sounds about right. I started in earnest in December, and just copy-editing buttons and alerts got me a quiz I will not link. Three months later, I managed this (Don't look at the source. Just don't.). Three months yet, to this, which is still flawed but probably the best thing to come out of that year (I kept updating it every now and then for some time, anyway. It really could use another to wrap things up.).
I kept taking classes, though, and accordingly got better.

But, no, let me contradict some of the talk of complex math and such.
You need more math than the average Joe, especially if you plan on adding graphics, but you'd be surprised what you can get away with.
It helps to know calculus, but trig is a must if you want anything more complicated than m=(0|1|-1|NaN), and let's not get started on physics and graphics.

But you can do surprisingly much with surprisingly little.
Understanding the logic and flow of a program is where the real power lies, and I think that has more in common with learning languages than might be obvious at first glance. もっとがんばれ!

But I still agree that diving into the project you have the most stake in first is dangerous at best. Experiment with something smaller until you can get it to do what you want. My first half-try wasn't the game for my book, but a silly multiple choice quiz about it. (I didn't start on the game proper for a year and some change after getting into programming. And now I want to revise them both.)

You're moving fast. You have elsewhere demonstrated that you're picking this stuff up at breakneck pace. You might even have something half as epic as you're aiming for within the year--Heck, I did. But expect it to be a bumpy road.
(Also I only ever asked for help in person; I reserved the internet for code samples. Samples, more than instructions. If ever I couldn't disentangle the meaning of a sample, then I'd ask a professor. In the absence of a professor, I'd type my question into Google, and almost always find a public discussion where someone else had asked. The answers weren't always satisfying, but even those that were downright wrong often pointed somewhere useful. But engaging directly? Haha, no. This might have something to do with why I am not rich, actually... but the atmosphere almost everywhere is not especially inviting. It's different, here, because Aprone is jolly (or was before our worst members beat it out of him) and Camlorn actually does things while most of us sit around whining about it. And it's mostly a community that plays games, rather than just a community of coders.)

Really, though: Keep it up and good luck! We need more people like you, and we need them to succeed.

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