Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

Thanks for bringing this up dark this makes it easier for me to post my bit.
due to upgrades on the house and their preps its unlikely I will be able to keep a formal schedual.
Never the less, yeah prices of ships etc.
We don't know what some of those do for example what is each class of ship used for etc.
Firstly we have the prices.
transport shuttles are fine.
but due to the speed of the galactic and light fraiters the small corion mining fraiters and the old turbograv miners just can go away, we have to many classes of ship now.
I have not yet figured out the corvet class as such and what are the differences between the f16 and viper fighters.
Also as it stands your corsair battleship is cheaper than the Lockheed explorer.
I agree with dark on the situation though.
while most ships are obtainable on a couple mining trips with your starting cruiser at 10 trips.
you will need at least 60 mining I have never done hauling though to get the cracker.
Standard cracking is quite slow but whatever its manual whatever.
Point is you only get 5 mill each go round.
While I can see 100 cracks should get you a battleship, or one of the 2 fighters over that there is a bit of a gap.
I tried standard cracking to get one of the striker cruisers, and gave up because I was bored entering the same commands all the time for ages on end.
Suggestions of events to do outside the other ones could include crewing on ships.
Having some sort of classified adds system for say rp events or notices about jobs for those that wanted to crew would be something completelyacceptable in game.
It would mean you could do missions, or mine or whatever explore the stars, get things etc.
One job I am not sure about price or spaciffics is the ability to own or control an oar refinery either over a plannet or as an orbital ship.
people could send their oar for refining into whatever resourc es they needed or to sell.
well transfer at cargo.
You could get more cash that way, at least in core exiles when you refined you got more.
Once the tracter beams are done I'd like to be able to instead of mining asteroids be able to load smaller ones at least into your cargo as whole chunks to be taken back for processing with the potential of randomised credits.
Ofcause the big ones with large hulls and 60000 units couldn't fit in your ship and the medium sized ones you could probably only fit one in but even so.
In smuglers  and some other games we have scripted storys or random events to enhance your character or just random system events.
There could also be other things as well I am not sure of.
I do think some prices need to drop, why did the big explorers need to fetch 400 million credits for example.
also with the planet crackers especially the standard ones I'd like the ability to autocrack.
I understand how this could be abused but to be honest I'd like the ability to crack automatically or some way to maybe earn resources while I am offline for short periods, ie if I sleep.
I understand why you wouldn't want that to happen to much but still.
One thing still not in the game is the ability to consume items, sure you can pick up beer and such but you can't drink it.
Next food and drinks and medkits really should not cost what they are costing if we were making it that realistic you wouldn't want that to cost.
Next I'd like something I could consume rather than filling up my inventory.
Stations even fule stations should have a bar or at least have some ambience to them even if its not much.
when I steped out to luna I found a station without any apu or anything.
I'd imagine for example a mining station close to a mining ariea be able to sell mining gear, beer food, etc.
also the slots in metro seem to take cash and be w rigged to loose.
I'd imagine that in real life someone would have smashed those by now or something.
And then there is the cruisers.
your nebvan costs just a little higher than a striker max.
Your big cracker costs more than that.
There is no way to earn loads of cash unless you crew on a ship.
And that's fine but even so.

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