Dang Jacob..... I was editing that post and I see you copied the edited,
more 'tasteful' version of the anecdote. I saw Usual's reply, while
editing, mentioning that the Parasound had attenuators on its inputs
which seemed to address the problem quite well. So I deleted my post.
But you're right, inevitably, you loose resolution as you've only got
the 40 set volume levels that are done in software. It would be nice if
Sean, et al, would implement 256 levels of .5db attenuation. Barring
that, if one doesn't want external attenuators, you could replace the
input 4.7k resistors, R37 & R39, of the output opamps, with something
close to 11.22k which would bring down the max to about .775Vrms. 
This would still give those 39-40 steps up to the max desired output,
which begs the question of whether X fixed steps is ever enough.
But I'm old and uncoordinated, and replacing smt resistors is a
daunting task for me.

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