> Qustion: _Why_ is the SB2 output level so high?

Squeezebox1 was 3vpp and people complained it was too low.

Now it's 6vpp (~2v rms) which is in line with nearly all high-end
equipment. Higher voltage == better SNR along the whole path. This
isn't an "oops we made it too loud" - SB2 was deliberately designed (at
significant added component cost) to have 2vrms levels.

This $20,000 cd player, for example, is 2vrms:


I don't get what the problem is. If the output were hot enough to clip
anyone's receiver that would be an issue, but it's not - the only thing
this would potentially clip is really cheap amplified speakers - even a
$100 receiver will handle 2vrms. If you're going directly into a
standalone DAC... well, the only reason you cat do that at all is
because we have a volume control. Of course at full volume you're going
to drive it to the max - the same would happen with a CD player.

The ideal solution is to

a) add a preamp
b) open up the amp and tune its input pots (asuuming it has them)
c) add in-line attenuators as suggested above. 

The internal volume control is not ideal for this, but sure we can
tweak the software to adjust the range and make it work.

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