In case anyone is interested:

Robert Greene, among others, has reviewed the Harbeth M40 in glowing
terms.  Is it one of the best speakers out there?  Yes.  Is it the
best?  No, of course not, because now we get into questions of taste,
room, needs, etc.  A Dali Megaline, which is arguably amongst the very,
very best -- it is scary good -- would not work in a 12x12 room.

However, I have owned speakers ranging from Dali (the Grands), Von
Schweikerts, Spendor, Quad ESL-988 and 989s.  For my needs and tastes,
the Harbeth is easily the more engaging, tonally pure speaker.  Quads
image better, of course, if set up properly and if you sit in just the
right spot.  Harbeths are easier to position and have a warmth and
"rightness" to the midrange that beat the Quads.  Apples, oranges.

So, this is what I find bizarre about Dan's comments: first, we have no
idea what he uses; second, if someone OTHER than Dan recommends a
component, it must, perforce, be a bad component and the user must be a

Of course, Dan, who hasn't been reviewing speakers on a weekly basis
for twenty years, who has no formal training in acoustics, no PhD in
mathematics, who is not a recorded musician and engineer for
well-received classical recordings, etc., certainly knows better.

Again, I just fail -- utterly -- to understand people who insist on
baiting and insulting strangers.  When that person has no legs on stand
on other than his sarcasm, snootiness, and financial agenda, well, it is
even worse.

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