Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> Oh good grief...
> I'm not strumming - and even if I was this has NOTHING to do with
> polarity -  I'm plucking a single string to create a near sine wave
> which is being mixed with the near sine wave from my guitar tuner. If I
> pluck a string and then switch the polarity on the pickup, the polarity
> instantly switches 180 degrees. By simultaneously turning the machine
> head tuner I vary the pitch without changing the polarity.
> Obviously, the two sine waves are not perfectly "in phase" with each
> other except by pure chance...but, unlike pitch, timbre and amplitude
> we can't directly hear "phase" - just as well really otherwise the ONLY
> musical instrument we would be able to tolerate would be a single signal
> generator...

Well, plucking then.
As I've said before, english is not my first language.

"we can't directly hear "phase" - just as well really otherwise the
ONLY musical instrument we would be able to tolerate would be a single
signal generator"

I think you are just blurting out various things now. Why on earth
would something be "intolerable" because it sounds a bit different?
Also, you keep confusing symetry and phase.

P Floding
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