Oh no - I am very clear about symmetry vs. phase vs. polarity...I'm
rather afraid it's you that is confused...

Please stop irrationally attacking my posts - and me personally -  and
please answer my question: which recordings show a clear
polarity/listening pleasure correlation in your opinion - I'm trying to
reproduce what you're hearing but I have no baseline...

Or has one of your long-held beliefs (i.e. the "truth" of absolute
phase) been shaken? 

I've spent over 25 years in studios on both sides of the desk. I know
what sounds good and what doesn't (IMHO). I also know that my home
equipment is easily capable of resolving what I hear in the studio and
have first generation "masters" that I use as reference to test this
assertion more or less daily.

Your posts are getting increasingly frustrating. I'm trying to get to
the bottom of an apparent mystery. You are not exactly helping.

Changing tack...
Yes, a sine wave sounds (very) different as you move around the room -
you encounter different interference patterns caused by the mixing of
direct and indirect (reflected) sound which manifests itself as varying
levels of cancellations/reinforcements at differents physical locations.

Phil Leigh
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