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Question: What do you think about the new SD NAS device?
- Awesome! Where can I get one?
- Nice. I'll put that on my wish list.
- Not for me, but it sure is pretty.
- Lame idea. Have the SD folks lost their minds?

I don't use iTunes with slimserver, but according to the wiki slimserver
and iTunes do _not_ need to be running on the same machine. Slimserver
just needs to be able to read the iTunes library xml file. The wiki
entry is clearly still a work in progress, but it does seem clear on
this point.

Coming at it from a slightly different angle: I couldn't see anywhere
in the Infrant web docs what operating system the NAS is running, but
I'd certainly expect it's some flavor of Linux. As iTunes is
Mac/Windows only, it would have to run on a different machine, and the
wiki indicates that's do-able.

aubuti's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2074
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24534

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