SoftwireEngineer Wrote: 
> Thanks Phil, switching to the Glass toslink instead of the coax, I got
> better results (initially, I could not tell much difference - listening
> at a lower volume during night time). I am now very close to the sound
> of my transport. I think stock the coax output has higher jitter than
> the toslink. Maybe changing to a linear power supply might have
> benefits even on the toslink. Whether coax or toslink, it seems to me
> that the SB has more detail than the bits out of a CD player/transport.
> Supposedly the SB3 has a jitter of 50ps which is very good (if I
> remember the MF A3.2 CD player has similar specs).

>From the thread- SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

“I just purchased a brand new SB3, and a colleague subjected the
digital outputs to a quick jitter measurement using Audio Precision
equipment. Results:
SB3 digital coax out jitter: ~99ps, SB3 digital optical out jitter:

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