Hi Sean, there's a good reason why any mention of double-blind testing
is banned on some audiophile forums: any time someone does something
they believe improves or degrades their sound, someone else can claim
it's invalid because DBT has not been performed.  DBT can be very time
consuming and requires two people to do, therefore many discussions of
differences in sound could be dismissed because it hasn't been done. 
Furthermore, sometimes one has to live with a given change for a while
before appreciating what the true effects of the change are.  While the
placebo affect can be real and must be watched out for, a response by a
number of people who agree on the effects of a given change is probably
reliable without DBT, although not scientific or certain.

P Floding, I will try to listen at live levels to see if I still feel
the same way about the level 63 attenuation tweak and report back.  I
had done my tests at low-to-moderate listening levels.

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