totoro wrote:
> I know this is a controversial thing to say, but I think that jitter is
> a sort of 2nd order problem, and that speaker placement, room acoustics,
> good amplification and good speakers are probably all more 1st order.

Let me make an analogy...

Let's compare audio system performance to a singer.

The audio system's frequency response, etc. is the singer's technical
prowess, i.e. the ability to hit notes on pitch, etc.

The audio system's jitter performance is the singer's artistic
performance, i.e. their ability to bring the performance to life.

On the whole, I would prefer to listen to a singer that delivers a
performance with feeling and really involves me in the piece even though
they might possibly not quite hit every note, than one who is
technically perfect but delivers a limp, lifeless performance.

Of course, a singer has to be of a certain technical standard, as do
amps, speakers, speaker placement, etc. in an audio system.

And if you get a technically perfect but artistically involving
performance, then you're in heaven.


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