rajacat;142681 Wrote: 
> Why complain, you are not required to buy the mod? This is a
> capitalistic country and there will always be someone looking to make a
> honest buck or find a sucker.

"Honest buck"?  I don't think so.  And if you think that's OK, I
suggest you read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - would you like to go
back to the days when there was no regulation of food or drugs, and
snake-oil salesmen went around selling cure-alls to suckers?  That's
where the high-end audio industry is today, and that's capitalism - and
thankfully we *don't* live in a truly capitalist society - no sane
person wants that.

IANAL, but I suspect most of what goes on with these mods is illegal -
false advertising and fraud - but the laws are not enforced because the
industry is too small.

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