highdudgeon;142674 Wrote: 
> Is it even worth saying that this was probably mapped out before the
> Transporter even shipped?  Nifty order page, pictures, and all?  Like,
> they had time to completely dissect and understand the unit, come up
> with packages (that, of course, cost nearly as much as the unit itself)
> in high price ranges, drop lots of parts names without explaining
> exactly what they do (other than "reduce glare" and other vague
> language), how it works, how things measure differently, etc?  Without
> sending it out for objective product reviews to reputable reviewers --
> not just Internet groups?  For $1,400, it had better be some
> incredible, super-duper thing to 1) warrant a $3,400 total investment
> and 2) immediately void Slim Device's warranty.  Immediately.  No
> warranty.  Alas.
> Man, I had no IDEA this thread could last so long!

See, this is brilliant.  The thread has come full circle, after quite a
bit of incredibly informative contribution, debate and discourse in both
the scientific and scientific-philosophic realms. 

Not to mention quite a bit of slamming the OP around, for which imo he
has now been somewhat vindicated however un-PC his original post may
have been.

rajacat;142681 Wrote: 
> Why complain, you are not required to buy the mod? This is a
> capitalistic country and there will always be someone looking to make a
> honest buck or find a sucker.

rajacat - you've made some worthwhile contributions to this thread, but
we're all big boys and girls and frankly, this is pretty obvious and
just comes off as unnecessarily antagonistic.

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