opaqueice;142685 Wrote: 
> "Honest buck"?  I don't think so.  And if you think that's OK, I suggest
> you read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - would you like to go back to the
> days when there was no regulation of food or drugs, and snake-oil
> salesmen went around selling cure-alls to suckers?  That's where the
> high-end audio industry is today, and that's capitalism - and
> thankfully we *don't* live in a truly capitalist society - no sane
> person wants that.
> IANAL, but I suspect most of what goes on with these mods is illegal -
> false advertising and fraud - but the laws are not enforced because the
> industry is too small.

Yeah, I guess I need someone like you to protect me from my own folly.
I think you are taking the modding cottage industry a little too
seriously. 99.999% of the low through high fidelity public don't even
know there is a small cottage industry devoted to modifying relatively
esoteric audio equipment. Thanks for the advice but I read The Jungle
many years ago in high school and it is much more relevant to public
health than if you choose to have your Squeezebox tweaked. Yes, I
wouldn't want to live in a completely Darwinian winner-take-all
capitalistic society because it would rapidly evolve into an
inefficient and brutal economic dictatorship and freedom would

BTW have you had any of your gear modded or are you just speculating
and don't have any real world experience to back your claims?

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