Quite true.  It really is bothersome to be the kind of person who
appreciates a device for its durability, mechanical interest, design,
and legacy, and then walk out into a world where 90% of the people who
own similar things are out to show off their good taste and deep
pockets.  But, horology is a personal interest, so there.  

I have a personal rule: I don't spend more money on personal items than
I donate to good causes.  As a rule, I donate quite a bit more, in terms
of money and volunteer time.  And I still feel a bit guilty.

Pat Farrell;144087 Wrote: 
> highdudgeon wrote:
> > Amen.   High end audio is also highly elitist...and most marketing
> plays
> > into this.  In some ways, I think the high end watch market is
> actually
> > more honest.  They make nifty things, they make beautiful things,
> they
> > make insanely rugged things, and they make some hedious things. 
> > However, there is no pretense that *what* they make is more accurate
> > and somehow superiod in telling time.
> Plus, you can wear a watch to work, and show off what good taste you 
> have and how rich you are. High End audio is not visible at work
> -- 
> Pat
> http://www.pfarrell.com/music/slimserver/slimsoftware.html

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