Amen.   High end audio is also highly elitist...and most marketing plays
into this.  In some ways, I think the high end watch market is actually
more honest.  They make nifty things, they make beautiful things, they
make insanely rugged things, and they make some hedious things. 
However, there is no pretense that *what* they make is more accurate
and somehow superiod in telling time.  It's all about design and the
interest in unique mechanical creations.  And, yes, it is expensive. 
However, no one at, say, IWC will tell you that a current production
watch is technically superior to one built ten or twenty years ago,
when it comes to telling time.   The differences are in looks and
"complications" (added functions, like reserve time, date variations,

tyler_durden;144065 Wrote: 
> Most people would like to think they are different, even better, than
> most other people in some way.  An easy way for people to rank
> themselves against others is money.  People with money often feel they
> are somehow better, more deserving, than others with less money.  
> People with money who consider themselves better than others, don't
> like the idea of the money being the only thing that differentiates
> them from the masses because if it was, it would mean a) any slob who
> wins the lottery would suddenly be equal to or better than them, and b)
> some financial catastrophe could suddenly make them not better than
> everyone else.  So they invent other things that make them better.  In
> particular, all of their senses somehow become more powerful- their
> palates are easily offended by cheap wine, their ears offended by
> mass-market stereo, etc.  Now they are truly different from the masses
> in a way that is not dependent on the vagaries of finance!
> "You are different.  You are better than others, your tastes are more
> refined, you are harder to satisfy, you DESERVE the best, you can
> afford the best..."  High-end audio marketers, like wine marketers,
> have successfully targeted this sensibility for years.  It works
> becauses it reinforces the insecure customer's need to be better than
> others.
> TD

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