highdudgeon;145672 Wrote: 
> Hopefully Phil will have more that one person over, hopefully they can
> do some blind testing, etc.  This stuff is, in the end, subjective --
> remember, subjective doesn't mean that something is better in an
> absolute sense, it just means you you LIKE it more; it is fair to like
> something that is not as absolutely high in performance as something
> else and I think people get this confused -- but the reports should be
> interesting.

At this point, Ben will be the only other person here.  One thing to
consider:  This comparison will not be very scientific, because
unfortunately there will be a number of variables in this test that
will not make the comparisons "even"...the biggest variable being that
I generally run single-ended cables throughout my system, and the Lavry
only has XLR/balanced outs, so we will be making a number of compromises
with regards to how each component (Transporter, Lavry, etc) will be put
in the system.  My best preamp (Blue Circle BC3000mkII GZpz) only has
single-ended inputs, but I do have another preamp (Bel Canto Pre3) that
we can use...the Pre3 is not nearly as resolving (or a good match, for
that matter) with my best amp (a Blue Circle BC206).  And the only
balanced cable I own is an Audience Au24, whereas the rest of my system
uses Acoustic Zen Absolute RCA cables.

Anyways, I think we'll be able to achieve something with this
comparison...getting a sense of the "ballpark" in which each component
plays...with no definitive "better" or "worse" given the other
variables at play.


Sonic Spirits Inc.
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