ceejay;145319 Wrote: 
> I'm a little puzzled by this discussion (I could say "I don't have this
> problem", but that might not be seen as helpful!).
> One thing that has been noted before is that, without external
> attentuation, the SB does have a rather higher output level than many
> other devices: so, if you compare its noise level in the way you've
> described with another device with a similar S/N ratio but a lower
> output level, the SB would seem noisier.
> So, instead of testing with the amp turned all the way up to the max,
> how about playing some loud music with the volume as high as you think
> you will ever go ... and then stop the SB and - at that volume - see if
> you can hear the hiss.
> Apologies if you've already done that and I've misread somewhere...
> Ceejay

Thanks Ceejay, I did as you suggested and I do still hear the hiss,
albeit only when sticking my head within 1 foot of the tweeter.
Interstingly I took my SB3 back to the dealer and we plugged it in
(same psu etc) and it was quieter. Now we weren't using my B&W 601s so
I'm not sure if the 601's tweeter is much more efficient than the one
to whiich we were listening.
Additionally he suggested I may have an earthing problem, which I'm
going to check this weekend. Is it likely that earthing the SB3 will
solve this. Should this even be attempted? I'll do some continuity
checks and measure the ohms between all the earth points on my
components first I guess, then start fiddling.


After Silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible
is music - Aldous Huxley.
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