Correction: make that -10db.

So, using -10db of internal analog attenuation, I wonder:

1. How much protection am I getting for my speakers?  Enough not to
blow the system?

2. How much digital attenuation am I using...enough to get into
artefacting at low volumes?

I haven't played around that much.  It sounds very good.

highdudgeon;148412 Wrote: 
> Answered my own question -- DUH.  XLR is XLR and under a different
> specification.  The attenuaition thing is for RCA only.  Good thing my
> amp takes balanced or RCA.
> Anyway, if anyone is curious, I set the attenuation to -30db.  That's
> too much.  With the volume maxed out it's not exactly loud.  Halfway
> down and it is silent.  I'm guessing that -20db might be just about
> right.


Relax.  It's about the music.
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