Jeff Rowland knows a thing or two about audio, too.

For giggles, I just ran Phil's request experiment -- informally and
with children in the house.  Basically, I listened to the Transporter,
and then switched to Transporter into Lavry (nice that they are on the
same shelf).  The not surprising conclusion: the TP into the Lavry
sounds, well, like the Lavry.  The TP sounds like the TP and it has an
edge in imaging and precision.  

To be honest, I expected it to be the other way around.  And, by way of
further disclaimer, I would be happy with the TP even if the Lavry were
a smidge better.  Why? Because I value the one-box solution and remote
control.  The fact that I like the TP better is icing on the cake of a
decision I had already made.

tomjtx;150458 Wrote: 
> Jeff Rowland just got a Transporter after hearing one in his home
> system.
> He likes the visual design too. Pretty good recommendation, I'd say.
> The TP look fits very well with my Rowland.


Relax.  It's about the music.
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