peejay;150623 Wrote: 
> I recently invested in a 12V lead acid battery  - completely sealed so
> 'clean' for a domestic environment, purchased a DC-DC regulator and am
> VERY happy with the result. How did it affect the music - In every way
> an AC supply cannot. Take my advice and look at battery solutions. You
> only use them when you are really listening, so the longevity of the
> supply isn't important. I have a 7 Amp Hour battery which keeps going
> for about 6 hours from fully charged - I lose battery energy from the
> heat sink on my supply pack, so I don't get the rated performance from
> the battery. My solution uses the ubiquitous LM317 regulator - does a
> great job. Ask me about it anytime. Cheers

I'm very interested in learning more about this battery solution.  I've
asked about this here before, but received replies that kind of
discouraged the idea.  What do folks here think about chemical reaction
noise, non-sinusoidal waves and other battery issues?  It always seemed
to me that straight DC power would be an almost ideal power source.

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