adamslim;151574 Wrote: 
> Outrageous flamebait :D
> Listen for yourself is all.  Krell stuff is highly respected, but the
> last Krell I heard sounded laughably bland to my ears.  If I owned it,
> I'd never play music.  But that's my ears - highdudgeon's are
> undoubtedly different (although his choice in speakers is better ;) ),
> and yours will be too.
> It's like women.  Look around, have fun, and buy the one you fall in
> love with.  Rest assured it will be more expensive than you intended :)
> Adam

I wouldn't compare Krell's KAV line with the FPBs or their other class
A (operating mode, not rating) amps.

BTW, my FPB200 sounded a bit dull until I lifted the lid and did a
little internal housekeeping. After that it blew away my Bryston 7B ST,
which I sold on.

P Floding
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