Totally agree that people hear things differently.  The brain is
designed to decode sound to make sense of it - part of both our hunter
and survivor skills - and a lot of that work is done in the time or
phase domian.  I do a lot of my experimentation (nearly 100 documented
experiments on interconnect cable designs this year, and many not
documented) with myself as the listener.  But when I do the same
experiments on other listeners it is clear that others are more or less
sensitive to certain types phase distortions.  This is one of the
reasons why I think burn in is related to insulators and their
different dielectric properties, and the fact/belief that their
perfomance changes over a very long period when subjected to an
electrical field.  I recall my friend Ernie telling me of work he did
in the military many years ago on how to quickly burn in (not a phrase
he would choose, but in this context it is what he means) teflon
insulation.  Then again the military could have been suffering from
placebo effect or faulty intelligence at the time - it wouldn't be a

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