opaqueice;153828 Wrote: 
> However, there is another, entirely different approach possible, which -
> as far as I can see - completely and totally eliminates the effects of
> input jitter.  This does not use a PLL at all, because it does not
> reconstruct the clock from the incoming data stream.  As I said above,
> simply imagine having a huge buffer in your DAC.  Now run the audio
> stream for, say, one hour (the length of a CD).  Record the entire
> thing in the buffer.  You now have it stored as a digital sequence
> which (barring bit errors) is identical to the sequence on the CD, and
> has nothing at all to do with any jitter in the S/PDIF signal that
> carried it.  Now, after waiting one hour, you get to listen to your
> jitter-free music as the DAC plays out the data, using its own internal
> crystal clock (which can be extremely clean).
> Not very convenient, because you had to wait so long, but this totally
> eliminates the effects of transport jitter (if not, I'm waiting for
> someone to tell me why).  Now since this is rather inconvenient, you
> can be more clever and reduce that initial wait from one hour to a
> nearly imperceptible pause, and that's what the Lavry does (according
> to their white paper).  This does not use a PLL because it does not
> reconstruct the clock from the incoming S/PDIF - it uses its own clock
> - and therefore I fail to see how it can be affected by jitter.

This is essentially a FIFO buffer (my Dodson DAC does the same thing,
albeit with a much bigger buffer than the Lavry), and in this
architecture, you need to deal with things like buffer
overflow/underflow, because the data is still "streaming"...and this
still requires some "cooperation" between the incoming clock and the
re-clocker.  This will still contain some inherent jitter.

The only way to truly do it without a master/slave architecture is to
completely load the audio data into solid state memory up front, so
there is no buffer management required.  There is a player that does
this called the Nova Physics Memory PLayer...


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