Are your speakers against a solid back wall?  Then it will work -- more
or less.  Allison rules have more to do with box speakers.

As for dipoles, dealing with the rear wall is absolutely essential. 
Any dealer worth his salt, and Quad themselves, will tell you that ESLs
need to be four to six feet from the wall behind them. If you DON'T do
this, the reflection from the backwave, in the bass, can interfere with
the primary wave and create nulls...which is exactly what you have.  The
answer is to allow lots of space behind the speaker OR use foam
treatments of some sort to absorb the back wave.  Notice that SoundLab,
who makes probably the best electrostatics (well, one of the best; more
impressive than Quads, and I love Quads), sells custom treatments to go
behind their speakers.

In your case, maybe forget about Allison rules.  Just pull your
speakers out into the room, treat the wall as possible, and toe them in
so that you are listening on-axis.  You do realize, yes, that Quads are
designed to be aimed directly at your ears?  This will make a

rbl;156894 Wrote: 
> highdudgeon - thanks for telling me about Allison's rule which sounds
> interesting. The problem I have is that my room is a sort of very fat L
> shape, and then with double doors behind my head that go into a dining
> room. These are usually open but don't affect the sound much anyway. I
> think Allison's rule assumes a rectangular room. I guess I'll just have
> to play around and see what happens. 
> Also, how do I put something behind the speaker to stop reflections? Is
> this the right thing to do with ESLs which are dipole radiators and I
> thought they were deliberately kept that way (manufacturers make no
> attempt to baffle the rear wave). Can I just attach some sort of baffle
> to the rear of the speaker?


Relax.  It's about the music.
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