Eric Carroll wrote:
FatElvis2000;173898 Wrote:
Can't imagine much money is being made here, if even helping Slim break
The price of many of the components, such as many of the DACs are
available on the Internet. Check out some of the volume pricing - the
cost of DACs is not as high as you seem to think.

I'm sure that Eric knows that the bill of material (BOM) cost of all mass market products is only a tiny fraction of the market price. For audiophile products, the calculations are quite different, because the volumes are so small.

Except for parts of Harmon International, nearly all the audiophile manufacturers are private, so real volume, revenue, and other numbers are not available.

The price of any product is the sum of BOM cost, engineering cost to design, marketing cost, returns, support, marketing, etc. Most audiophile manufacturers have tiny volume, typically only a million dollars a year or so of revenue, which is not a lot of units when they are $5000 (retail) amps or CD transports. Since the wholesale distributor, dealers, etc. all take a piece out of the retail price, the manufacturer may only be selling several hundred units a year. It is really, really hard to pay for the NRE (Non-recurring expenses) when you spread them over a couple hundred units.

I have bought three Squeezeboxes and a Transporter, and there are hundreds if not thousands of active folks on the Slim forums. So we know that SlimDevices has a lot larger number of units than Classé Audio or Sonus Faber (to pick two random companies whose products I can look at while I type this).

Its all about volume, Intel sells some amazing technology for $200 a chip, but they sell millions and millions.

All I know is that for me, the price of the SqueezeBoxes was proven to be worth it, and that let me make the leap to the Transporter.

We could be looking at serious disruptive technology. It is, but it may not be important, as 99% of the market doesn't care about audio quality.

Its not clear to me that the market even cares about TV and movie image quality.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

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