occam;178202 Wrote: 
> Perhaps the well reasoned and plausable conclusion from this
> non-empirical thought experinment is not entirely correct......
> I find the following link particulary interesting as an adjunct when
> reading this forum -
> http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/skeptic/arguments.html


I apologize for the tone of my response. It was intemperate, at best.

However, my basic point, IMHO, is valid. Regardless of _whose_ argument
you were dismissing, you were doing it by implicitly claiming that it
was an instance of a known logical fallacy/rhetorical overreach,
without specifying which one it was.

Your claim that the link to a list of logical fallacies was merely
informational (sorry for the jargon) strikes me as disingenuous. You
have to assume that your interlocutor will take whatever you say as
relevant to the discussion at hand. That being said, the only direct
relevance your link would have would be to name the fallacy which the
argument you are opposing instantiates (yech-- I'm mixing programmerese
with undergrad-philosopht-majorese -- shoot me now). That unfortunate
mouthful being said, I don't really see how you could claim that your
provision of that link was purely "informational" (to use another
puke-inducing piece of jargon-- sorry again).


Notice the difference between your and Occam's response to opaqueice.
Occam's was civil and respectful. Your (and philnyc's) response seems
childish in comparison.



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