I don't believe in this kind of listening tests, mainly because I have
no means to carry it in a proper way - everything from street noise to
headache will turn results into random mess.

Also, as I have already added to my previous post, even if jitter
difference isn't really perceivable, I don't care, I'm an engineer and
these are my toys, I like to resolve technical problems almost as much
as to listen music, and so I'm interested to optimize my system as much
as possible on my budget, not as least as necessary. 

And yes, I asked the original question because I wanted to know if
Toslink in home audio application is flawed in some way comparing to
coax - without "why bother you don't hear it anyways" kind of answers.


simaudio nova cdp >> simaudio moon i-5 >> revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

-planned additions:... >> deq2496 >> lavry da-10 >>...-
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