When you get your Mac Mini, be sure to disable (under pref. in iTunes)
the sound "candy" such as eq, soundcheck and enhancer.  

Under applications-utilities-find "midi" and see that 44.1kHz is
checked.  Also, be sure that iTunes and the main Mini volume are set at
"max", and use you pre-amp/receiver to adjust volume.

I have a Mini in my listening room and used iTunes/ALAC for all two
channel listening.  The mini was connected via a glass toslink to my
pre-amp.  It sounds very good.

After a year or so, I decided I wanted an external DAC, researched a
lot, but decided on a Transporter because of the positive feedback
concerning its DAC.

I have converted all my ALAC files to FLAC, and only use Slimserver. 
The one feature I really miss from iTunes is the ease of navagating
through the georgeos Album art view.  With the recent iTunes update, it
is now full screen.

That said, overall, I prefer Slimserver to iTunes.

As another poster mentioned, burn DRM files to a cd, then importing the
files will solve your concern.


yooper's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8835
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33836

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