Antipodes;190405 Wrote: 
> Let's give it a try.
> Audiophile: One who is continuously searching for the reproduction of
> musical truth in her environment, is open-minded about what might push
> the envelope, and is prepared to challenge the prevailing paradigms. 
> This may lead to some side-tracks and wasted money but can equally lead
> to new and important insights, and any dedicated audiophile will
> consider it worth it.
> Enlightened Audiophile: One who has experimented in a robust manner to
> discover insights in audio not yet captured in the limited paradigms of
> electrical engineering.
> The unenlightened here are those that say things like 'XXX can't
> exist'.  Substitute XXX with things like 'cable differences' 'power
> supply differences' 'burn in' 'superior expensive equipment' and you
> more or less cover half the input here.  Electrical Engineering models
> are very useful in an incredible range of applications.  But the serial
> ignorance often expressed here about how 'XXX can't exist' often based
> on EE models displays a profound ignorance of the fact that EE models
> are models that approximate reality.  Only dullard EEs insist there is
> nothing beyond the prevailing paradigms.  And I readily concede that
> only fools believe in UFOs, and some of the excesses of the audiophile
> market.  But these forums are so stuck in derision of anything existing
> beyond basic EE models and rooted in 'what must be true' rather than
> open-minded and discovering.  I am an EE myself and am very aware that
> the EE models are of only basic usefulness in audio.  I am sure there
> is comfort in those closed little minds, but for anyone coming here for
> new insights these forums are barren.  Any poster indicating a new
> possibility is jumped on by ten of you nay-sayers who unscientifically
> insist that all that is knowable is known, by you, and the dumped on
> poster goes away.
> You guys are all welcome to your opinions, but this place is dominated
> by your nay-sayer fascism.  Let a few others' opinions be heard without
> your derision so we can have a more enlightened place for audiophiles to
> be encouraged to join the Slim community.

Alternate definitions:
audiophile: one who loves recorded sound, and takes it seriously.  Few
of us could afford to really "push the envelope", and I'd bet even
fewer do. Think about how expensive it is to build a real recording
studio, with real full size monitors (Kinoshita or similar). Note how
much of that is construction costs: I don't know too many people who
have >1M listening rooms :).

enlightened audiophile: an audiophile who has at least some resistance
to the output of the audio press and marketing departments.

As far as the fascism reference goes, I have one word for you: Godwin.


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