jmourik;173941 Wrote: 
> Does anybody have experience with one of these dacs? 
> PS Audio Digital Link III
> Stello DA100
> Altmann Attraction DAC
> Trying to see if anything can compete with the Lavry DA10...
> jan

At this point I can say I really am enjoying the PS Audio DAC.   I
leave upsampling on 192 and keep it there.    I am beginning to think
Delta-Sigmas are not so bad afterall -- it has a balanced and
layed-back aspect to it -- so in that respect I would call it somewhat
warm.   Perhaps it has inband noiseshaping artifacts and whatnot from
Delta-Sigma and ASRC circuitry -- but I cannot hear that compared to my
older DAC which used the venerable PCM1704 high end(non-delta sigma)
chips. By comparison this older DAC sounded somewhat edgy and harsh.   
With the PSA, highs can be incredible, and bass strong and tight --
especially with quality cables.   Playing 24/48 through the SB to the
upsampling PSA DAC is a current thrill -- some reaching new levels of
resolution and naturalness in my system.


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR ->
Sim Audio P5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim Audio W5 -> PS Audio
Xtreme Plus(Low) AQCV4(mid/hi)-> Magnepan 3.6R
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