seanadams;215234 Wrote: 
> You are absolutely right, but you're taking my comments quite out of
> context. The original post was not a mere inquiry or observation. It
> was a (very successful) troll. From the beginning
> Omega/Hammer65/KalleAnka has/have asserted that there is a bug, a
> "design miss", a "serious problem" etc. 
> For better of worse, I tend to reply to people's posts in kind.
> However, if you subtract the trolling accusation (which was completely
> unrelated to the specifics of the alleged "bugg") my initial response
> was dry and impartial: "[...]I would suggest that you consider the
> placebo affect and apply some simple controls for it in your
> experiments. Good luck."
> Is it unreasonable for me to insist on proper testing before I'm
> willing to explore this kind of claim? I for one prefer not to leap
> directly into the usual handwaving about jitter, EMI, and other "poorly
> understood" subjects... at least not until we have a modicum of
> confidence that the thing exists.

Out of context?  Agreed!

However, I do think that, as CEO of Slim (or whatever nowadays!), you
need to rise above how people phrase what they say, for two reasons:
1 - some are foreign and do not express themselves well in English
2 - these are people who have paid money to you.  Don't be sycophantic,
but do default to validating their position (not necessarily their claim
- i.e. see how this would make them unhappy as paying customers if they
were right, not that they are actually being reasonable or correct)

And yes, it is clearly unreasonable to expect them to perform extensive
testing prior to posting here.  Part of the point of a forum is to be
able to wave about completely illogical and unsubstantiable opinions -
some people like that.  Encourage them to do the test in a more
controlled fashion.  Why not offer people a free Squeezebox if they can
find an acoustic flaw that results in a change to SlimServer or the
firmware?  Rather than denigrate them for not doing rigorous scientific
testing, why not bribe them to do so?  It'd be cheaper than doing it



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