
Thanks, I appreciate your perspective, and I agree that I personally
need to strive to set an example for level headed discussion in this
forum. However, I respectfully believe that you have misinterpreted my
position on this.

I accused Omega of trolling because of the _manner_, not the subject of
his post. Wikipedia defines a troll as:

-In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who intentionally posts
derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in
an established online community such as an online discussion forum to
bait users into responding-

If you think I made the wrong call, then we shall have to agree to
disagree, because I stand by that assessment based on the deliberately
inflammatory language that Omega has used throughout this thread. If
you think that it was wrong of me to merely _say so_, even if it _was_
a deliberate troll, then again I disagree. The S/N ratio in this forum
is not going to improve if we all tolerate (and even encourage!)

As respects the actual claims that were made: please read my posts on
pages 6, 7, and 8 where I really did my best to address Omega's claims
and to suggest a constructive course of action. You will see that I did
in fact suggest some very simple tests that Omega could have easily
performed which would have helped to elucidate the problem. _He_
refused. What else can I do? I could not reproduce his problem, I have
already tested the product extensively, and I could think of no theory
that would support his claim. As several others have pointed out, I
would be the first to devote my full attention to solving such a bug.
But first we need to identify what we want to fix.

Finally, I believe that a disproportionate share of the dismissive/mean
language in this thread is being attributed to me after the fact. I
encourage you to re-read ONLY my posts from the beginning of this
thread, and to separate the trolling issue from my analysis of his
actual claims. I did not question his claims because I thought he was
trolling. I questioned them because I believed him to be mistaken.


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