"So if I'm understanding you, the two measurements you have taken have
shown no difference in the signal, correct?"

Yes, the two measurements have shown no "differance"
The "pinknoise" test showed a small differance but this is propably due
to the pinknoise and average time?

And it´s hard to see any small differance when working with a analog
Oscilloscope... To Compare A/B...
We plan to do more analog measurements later.

"Will you at least consider the _possibility_ that there's no problem
with the output stage and that the effect you are hearing is

Yes and No...

Yes, there could be a problem with the slimserversoftware or
compatibility with our DACS or something else.

No, I don´t think the effect that we are hearing is perceptual,
All people that have listen in my and hammers homes are convince that
this is not a placebo thing. 

"My system isn't very high-end at all, so it could possibly have been
masked in the "digital out-->analog conversion-->speakers-->room
effects" chain but I doubt that."

Are you running with a external DAC ?
What amplifier, Speakers etc do you have?
You are propably not going to hear any differance through the analog
outputs on the SB3.

Both me and Hammer have a very fine tunned system.
If we remove all the "isolation transformers" and "power cleaners"
external DAC etc
we propably not going to hear any differance or have much more
difficult to distinguish between "good" and "Bad" sound.


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