Pat Farrell;216028 Wrote: 
> thomsens wrote:
> > Pat Farrell;216023 Wrote: 
> >> A modern PC has a gigabyte of RAM, which can hold a complete CD, 
> >> uncompressed, in memory. Serious PCs for either Vista or development
> >> have two or three gig.
> > If it's really a matter of inadequate hw, then my original assertion
> > that initial architectural decisions (i.e., hw specs) were the
> problem
> > is true.  Sean says that is not the case.
> Er, I wasn't talking about the SqueezeBox. The question was why can a 
> Windoze Media Center handle it properly, and the reason is that it is a
> powerful generalized system.
> I don't quite get how you jump from Sean's initial post in this thread
> to your conclusion.
> The SqueezeBox and the Transporter are embedded systems. That is a 
> totally different design space for software than generalized PCs/Mac,
> etc.
> What you seem to be asking for is that the price to everyone be 
> increased to meet your needs for FF/RW. I never use it, never tried. 
> Never tried it on the CD players I've had over the decades.
> I used to do all sorts of stuff when I was a radio station DJ when
> there 
> were vinyl disks on turntables, but that was long ago and far
> away.[/url]

To suggest based on a limited sample of this forum combined with your
opinion that a feature is not required is silly.  CD players have had
the capability (note I said capability, not interested in the exact
implementation) on just about every unit ever made.  That's a better
sample for me to believe it is a feature folks desire.  Combine that
with the fact that you now have other common media such as podcasts,
etc. that you might want to jump to a certain section in, and in my
opinion, the need is greater now than before.  I rarely used it on my
CD players, I've tried to use it many times on my SD products and have
been left frustrated.  Instant access to all my music and other media
files increases the need for the feature for me.

As you should have noted, I believe the memory should be adequate based
on what I paid - I don't see how adequate memory should drive the price
higher.  In any case as Sean's next post indicates, memory is
apparently not the issue.

> What Sean said was that it is not easy. He decided not to do it.
> What changes because you want it anyway?

Great point.  What changes is where I spend my $$ over time if the
product does not continue to evolve (so far $2600 spent with SD).  I'm
sure given the choice, Sean would rather have me buy the T2 when my T1
dies.  For that matter, I'm sure he's just hoping for the ability to
build a T2 one day.  Clearly without the base of users to support it,
that will never happen.  So, the average joe will need to start buying
this thing and regardless of your or my opinion, the average joe will
definitely expect this feature in a usable format.

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