Let me start by saying that I am new to the forums here. I have found
lots of very helpful people post to these forums in all categories, and
have made my purchase of two SB3 much more pleasant and easy to deal
with. And thanks to all of you.

There is one thing that disturbs me though, and that is the negative
attitude of some of the posts in this thread. (And I have read all of
them). I will not name names but i think most of you will recognize who
you are.

Now let me put in my 10 cents here. (ok maybe 25 cents with the length
of this post)

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Function: noun: 
a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

high fidelity
Function: noun
the reproduction of an effect (as sound or an image) that is very
faithful to the original

With the above stated I do not know of any test that can be
administered to any one or multiple individuals that will prove if they
are an audiophile or not an audiophile.

All of the individuals that have contributed to this thread are
correct. At least in their own mind an that is the only thing that

Being and audiophile can only be self proclaimed. Two of my neighbors
are self proclaimed audiophiles as I am myself. One of my neighbors has
over $300,000.00 (three hundred thousand dollars) worth of equipment in
his home. The other has about $1000.00. I personally have about
$4500.00 worth of equipment. Can I hear the difference between the
three systems? I will answer that with a resounding YES. Can both my
neighbors hear the difference? Again a resounding YES.

The only requirement with being a self proclaimed audiophile is that
you “LOVE” music. 

All the tests in the world that use electronics equipment to judge the
“True Sound” of a audio system are there for the unknowing individual.
I mean that an amplifier can boast about it’s low THD or its Power
Output, or a test can show there is no difference in the digital
signals, but the reality of the matter is that every one of us that
listen to it will hear it differently.

I have worked for some of the best known audio equipment manufacturers.
I have been in some of the best recording studios in the United States.
All of them great experiences.

The real test of an audio system is for it to sound as close to the
original source material as it can. If that means the recording was
done on The Esplinade in Boston, MA, USA, then I had better hear some
of the crowd and street noise in the recording. If it was done in the
studio then it had better sound just as it did when I was actually
there listening to it being recorded. 

I know of know system that is perfect in reproducing that sound
exactly. But I can say this. I have listened to a recording from a time
when I was present for the recording on my system and both my neighbors
systems. None of them sound truly like standing there in the studio. 
You may ask which one sounds best? It may be obvious that it sounds
closer to the original on the very expensive system. But what really
matters is that we all enjoyed the music, the conversation about that
time in my life and had a great time listening to music.

My neighbors and my self can afford what we have. Yes, two of us are a
little envious of the one with the very expensive equipment, but if I
had that kind of money I probably would spend it on other things any

We should all rethink sometimes before we speak or type. If Omega
thinks there is a difference between the first track played and the
second played and that it makes a difference turning if off and then
back on that is his opinion and no one should or has the right to tell
him he is wrong. That is how his ears hear it. Maybe mine do not but
that does not make omega wrong.

One more comment before I go. With the advent of the iPod and other
portable music players we have a generation of new music lovers that
may never know what it is like to listen to music on a system with
“Audiophile Quality”. And I know most of them will never know what it
is like to stand in the studio with the likes of Buddy Guy, Mariah
Carey , Sting, Muddy Waters, or many others. But my feeling is if they
enjoy what they are listening to great for them. We should all be glad
that music is a part of our lives because there are parts of this world
we live in where humans do not get to listen to music only the cries of
the poor and starving.

Best wishes to all and 



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