harmonic wrote:
> The very point about moddifing audio components is that its here you can
> get real improvments    , cables platforms and so on will only make the
> sound  different.
> Those that have been exposed to mods done right will have a hard time
> coping with some of the skeeptics in here.
> Have do a company improve a component ?   the moddifiy it in house.
> This thread has no menning because every thing will be shot down with
> cynical comments based apone no real or very limited knowledge on the
> subject.
> I thing im done on this forum eny thing that have just the slightes to
> do with improving sound seem to be like blasfami.

As Pat said, you seem to be confusing "changing" with "improving".

You also seem to be spitting your dummy when others don't play along and
fit into your cosy view of the world.

Please turn the light off on the way out.


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