acousticsguru;230066 Wrote: 
>  You realise your claim now looks to be that the Transporter is
> primarily meant to be used in studio applications?

I don't presume to speak for SD, as I already said I have no
connection. However, I think the professional market is quite large,
and it would make sense to me to target them with a product as useful
as the Squeezebox, but with professional features (eg AES/EBU,
wordclock). In fact, it may not even be as much about the sound, but
simply that most professional gear already has these connections - and
much of it doesn't even have consumer SPDIF (RCA), for example, try
finding coaxial SPDIF output on professional souncards. So, if *I* were
making a professional version of the Squezebox, of course, I would add
AES, word clock, etc. Otherwise, no pro would even think about buying
it for *professional* use. 

> Even if true, that still wouldn't answer what I was interested in
> knowing: whether the additional appeal it may or may not have to
> audiophiles who -can/could- use its AES/EBU and WC options is
> justified. I'm sure you realise by now I wasn't interested in
> theoretical considerations as to why it may or may not be, but first
> hand experience.

I think it would be overkill for most consumer applications. Maybe if
you had 10m or more of cable, it would make a difference. And maybe
there is a small segment of the audiophile market that is really
clamoring for these professional features. Whether it is worth making
another SB device for these folks is up to the SD/Logitech marketing


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