Dyak;231488 Wrote: 
> the number of people (well respected and otherwise) that have reported
> positive audible benefits that these products supposedly provide can
> not (at least not by me) be dismissed out-of-hand....

You're making a common logic error.  Just because a large number of
people say something is true does not actually make that thing true,
especially when a lot of those people earn their living selling the
thing they are talking-up.  For example, look at astrology.  There are
many millions of people who believe their lives are controlled by such
silliness as where the stars and planets are in relation to each other
and the earth.  Are they right?  What about psychics?  Do you think any
of them really can see the future?  A lot of women who live in trailers
do.  How about Naziism?  A lot of people were convinced that there was
an ultimate solution to all of mankind's problems.  Were they right? 
Look how many people voted for W, not once, but twice!  That alone
should tell you about the wisdom of crowds.

All of this still ignores the dangers of handling CF and especially the
danger of CF fiber fragments getting into your audio equipment and
wrecking it.  You can make all the arguments you want about stealth
technology and whatever crap you read on some internet forum populated
by religious fanatics disguised as audiophiles, or in marketing
literature from companies trying to sell expensive stuff to
audiophiles.  In the end, if you wrap your equipment in CF cloth it is
unlikely to keep working for very long.

If you are lucky, no one including you, your children, spouse, guests,
or pets will have the mind-bending experience of inhaling any of those
flying fiber fragments.

What makes more sense, listening to a salesman whose next boat payment
depends on your believing what he says or believing what the MSDS says,
and what people who have handled the material say?

I think the public school system in this country needs to put a lot
more effort into teaching critical thinking skills...


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