Will your local dealers let you take home the power cables and test them
yourself?  If a dealer will let you take home a power conditioner and
all the cables you need to power your system with a no questions asked
return policy, why not take them home and try them.  Personally, I'm
very surprised at what a difference power conditioning and good power
cables make.  But I'm not sure how good my power is to begin with (if
that makes a difference), and I couldn't begin to explain why a power
cable would make a difference.  Nor could I tell you what brand is the
best.  But it makes a difference in my system that I can hear and I
really appreciate.  I would never go back to regular power or cables.

I wholeheartedly agree with your skepticism and belief that everyone
should think for oneself, and again I would add to listen as well.

My neck is starting to quiver.

Transporter -> ATC SCA2 -> ATC SCM 100 ASLT
Ayre C5xe -> ATC SCA2 -> ATC SCM 100 ASLT

AngorWatts;233968 Wrote: 
> Ok so I have some mixed feelings on this whole cable thing, I have
> decent cables under $100 per cable/pair or half that price.  I have a
> lot of heartburn with all this smoke and mirrors routine for ultra
> expensive audio cables and now power cables are the flavor of the day.
> I have been to CES the last four years and have seen and listened to
> some amazing gear, and talked to the designers and owners of the
> companies. I get the The Absolute Sound, Stereo review and read like a
> fiend about audio on the internet.  I have a decent audio system. I
> truly love high end audio.  I write this to let everyone know I have
> some idea of the industry as a whole.
> Ok so when cables or equipment are reviewed, there are some
> prerequisites like you will advertise with the publication, as is seen
> with that companies who's equipment was just reviewed ad on the next
> page probably half the time. Coincedence? Things that make you go
> Hmmmm?!  Also the reviewer should have to state a few facts besides
> what is his test gear that he is employing this test component or cable
> into, like does he live in an apartment(almost always yes!).Which leads
> me to the next disclosure, size of room that gear is in.  The
> enviroment of the review has a high possibility of being terrible.  But
> I guess as long as he has a $1700 Shunyata power chord it will magically
> overcome all this.
> And finally one of the biggest disclosures these audio reviewers should
> have to disclose is a recent hearing test to show where their hearing is
> lacking, if it is.  I mean Kal Ruben is how old?
> In your fifty's your upper frequency hearing loss can drop  down to
> somewhere below 10,000 hz. If we knew the reviewer lived in a little
> crappy apartment with a tiny listening room with a flawed apartment
> wiring in San Francisco or L.A., and has flawed hearing(ie hearing
> test). How much weight would that review hold for the majority.  No
> reviewer wants a blind a/b comparison there is nothing monitarily to
> gain for anyone except the buyer.  
> I am saying maybe we should think for ourselves, and not be told what
> we should like from someone who might not have the creditionals.

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