i'm ripping another batch of silver discs to feed the beast
downstairs........and quite enjoying the "banter" as well!.
it kinda petered out near the end,oh well it was good while it lasted.
being a neighbour of  and a  Linn"fanboy"(love the phrase!);i had a
good long look at Squeezebox before i put my shekels down.
one of the primary reasons for buying into Squeezebox was this support
forum which is a real asset to any company these days,have a look at
Naim's forum and there's another fine example.
Linn never cottoned on to the idea because i don't think they
countenace any dissent from "us" their loyal support base.
i saw/heard a Sondek in the early 70's and endeavoured to buy one
futher on down the road.
have since had a fair selection of their gear in my system,mostly the
LK type. Ivor was not at the helm recently due to illness amd they
veered way off course totally ignoring their core support and aimimg
their market at squillionaires who own large yachts and nip down to
Nice in their Aston's.....
us "ordinary" punters are still here and gasping at the list price of
most of the current gear.
Ivor is back in his office and i believe Linn might be run a lot better
under his management.

dennis55's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8884
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38815

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