Phil Leigh;235571 Wrote: 
> Fifer - "Unfortunately" you're saying that all discernible differences
> are caused by the presence/absence of distortions of one sort or
> another. I happen to agree with you.
> It seems to escape some peoples grasp that you can't improve on the
> original source material in any absolute or true sense. It is what it
> is. All you can do is either make it worse or "different" by
> introducing noise, distortion, squashed dynamics, messed-up frequency
> and phase response etc...or you can add/take away as little as
> possible. The best systems add as little as possible (IMHO) - however
> personal taste is always allowed, so adding some "colour" is fine.
> Whether this is a very very small amount of even-order distortion from
> valves or whatever doesn't matter. 
> I don't believe that all sources and amp sound the same. However, I do
> agree that the majority of broadly equivalent modern designs are all
> pretty close. As far as amps are concerned, headroom is always going to
> be a point of difference between designs. You can hear a small class-a
> amp "sag" when it runs out of steam...
> Sources (or more precisely, DACS) are simply a matter of tonal taste
> IMHO. The character of the analogue stage can be shaped
> by the designer.
> As far as digital transports are concerned....either they jitter or
> they don't - and some leak RF into nearby gear more than others. So,
> getting  a "good" transport means solid engineering whereas Dacs and
> amps are usually "voiced" by their designers and that becomes a matter
> of preference/taste. 
> Sorry, I've started to ramble - what I wanted to say is that transports
> can and should be immaculately engineered to do exactly what they need
> to do, whereas analogue gear will alway be a combination of objective
> design/engineering and subjective opinion.

I 100% agree with all you said.

The nobel art of doing nothing to the music is all to rare in hifi .

I have the linn klimax solos amps  in my system now , connected to my
transporter i also have  a sb3 wich have also been connected to them.

One thing i was  puzzeld about when the first arrived   was  why dos
all my recordings sound ,  well musical, through the klimaxes.
Many cds i had bourgt before only to find out the sounded horrible
through my old hifi system now sounded like i rememberd it just before
i bourgt the cd.
Bad recordings sound bad but still musical.

I think i have narrowed it down and it must be because the The klimaxes
disstord the essence of the music to a lessser degree
But that is what linn have perfected and refinent  with ther amplifires
ever since the started 
What it is are  get the pich and timing right,     having payed music
for many years i know for a fact that  pitch and timing is what  music
is build apone.

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