At the risk of inflaming opinion, I am happy to explain how I compared
the systems.  I would like to add that I was a EE 25 years ago and
although time and technology have passed me by, I still have a healthy
disregard for the 'I replaced the fuse in my mains plug with a nail and
it tightened the bass up' sort of nonsense. 

Having said that, while I subscribe to the 'all digital source sound
the same' argument, I did some work on digital to analogue systems for
the BBC (we had digital even then) and sample jitter was a big deal. It
is just as important for the DAC to have the correct sample output
voltage as it is to have the sample at the right time. The highest
precision DAC is rubbish if clocked with a jittery clock. SPDIF has an
embbeded clock which can be subject to jitter on recovery, so in
principle a jittery digital source 'could' sound worse than a source
with less jitter (all other things being equal).

So back to the test.  Same DAC (the Krell - 24bit Burr-Brown I believe)
same length 75 ohm coax, teminated with Neutrik RCA connectors (which
are not 75ohm) going to Meridian CD player and to SB3 or Duet. Believe
I had everything software configurable set the same for the two inputs
on the Krell.

To my ears, no question the Meridian path was better. May have been
imagining it - who knows? But the soudstage was stable, clear and open
with the Meridian, and didn't seem as good with the Duet / SB3. Was
this due to jitter? - I have no idea.

But back to my question if anyone has suffered through all my
yesterdays.  The transporter has two SPDIF outputs and one balanced EBU
output. The two SPDIF outputs are different (according to the manual)
the RCA output is capacitor coupled, the BNC is transformer coupled. 
Both have a source impedence of 75ohms.  Why do they differ? and which
is the best to use?

Thanks to all.

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