CardinalFang wrote:
> m1abrams;317040 Wrote: 
>> Bottom line is this, would you want to spend the time to rip 500 CDs and
>> possibly have errors in the data but really have no way to know until
>> you listen to each and every track.  Or use a proper program and rip
>> 500 CDs and know that you have no errors in the data.
>> Also I have found that many CDs have errors, even brand new CDs.
> They all have errors, but it's whether they can be corrected or not is
> the issue. iTunes works for me, the only time I ever found an problem,
> I cleaned the disk and re-ripped it and all was fine.

There's the rub: "the only time I ever found a problem".

When you rip with EAC or dBPoweramp you *know* you've got an accurate 
rip or not - the ripper tells you. Programs like iTunes, Windows Media 
Player, etc. do *not* tell you - they just do the best they can.

> I'm a Mac user and I do run Parallels, so I could use these other
> rippers, but to be honest I haven't found the need, because when I did
> trial them they were painfully slow and gave no discernible
> improvement.

dBPoweramp Reference is very easy to use and, if you pay for the AMG 
subscription, pulls in far more metadata than other rippers. It's also 
very fast.

> The only reason I posted was because it was said that if you care about
> audio, you shouldn't use iTunes, which is misleading. It only matters if
> you have disks that error correction can't fix and then a more
> industrial strength solution is needed. I haven't needed it.

No, that's wrong. The original statement was right - if you care about 
audio you shouldn't use iTunes, for the reason I have stated above.

> I will admit that EAC and the ilk do appeal to the geeky audiophile
> part of me, but the busy pragmatic side makes me use iTunes because it
> is a far more pleasant experience. I'd rather be listening than
> ripping.

So listen while you're ripping. Throw a disc in, press start, and leave 
it to do its stuff while you have a beer on the couch.


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