DeVerm;338004 Wrote: 
> I am so amazed that nobody in this long thread realizes that any form
> of digital representation of music is flawed, period. Do you really
> think that a digital master actually can reproduce all the harmonics
> from lets say a violin? It can't and never will.

Have you ever heard of the Nyquist-Shannon theorem?  Or human hearing

>  Sound is analog...

It's not, actually.  Sound is the motion of a finite number of discrete
molecules :-).

> Now, is this important? well, yes, because I can hear the difference
> between the violin being played live and any form of a recording of it.
> Everyone with good hearing (meaning not sick and/or old) can tell the
> difference after a couple of minutes of education and practice.

That's true, but not because of digital formats.  It's because of
speakers and the inherent (and severe) limitations of stereo
reproduction of a very complex sound field.

>  I'm now 45 yrs old and thus can't hear any difference of the violin
> between flac and 320 mp3 even though I can hear the difference between
> these digital recordings and the real deal because the difference there
> is so much easier to hear. 

I agree the difference between live and recorded sound is much larger
than the difference between lossless and 320 MP3.  So is the difference
made by moving your stereo speakers.  Or switching to a surround sound
setup, or to headphones.  All of which goes to show that your point -
that digital is the primary problem - is not correct.

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