Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> You were not talking about archival at that point in the post so don't
> pretend you were.  It was your first comment to fix the sound problem
> or were you just throwing it out there to get something going?  

I wouldn't begin to pretend, Nonreality - I'll completely stand by my
original statement that mp3 compression craptizes audio and recommend
FLAC to any audiophile worth their weight in salt for better sound. 
Archiving is just a nice addition, which is why I mentioned that in my
last post.  Would the OP have noticed a difference in sound by
re-ripping his CD's in FLAC over mp3?  Only he could tell you, but I
know I certainly could - even on his Sony bookshelf system.  

Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> You'll also notice I said "you have to watch some of the advise" the key
> word is "some". You want credit for guessing the actual problem, Great
> Job!  I mean it.

Why thank you!  I think...

Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> You may have also not noticed that the post was not to you but to my
> friend Ralphpnj, who has played the attitude thing with me and so I was
> playing back with him from a past discussion.  He would have known what
> I was talking about I believe and noticed the attitude was a bit of a
> jab at one of his posts to me in the past. Trust me, my ribs are sore
> from him. :)

I didn't realize that, as the post appeared to be derogatorily worded
towards my original advice.  I apologize then for the mood of my
response, as I wasn't aware your comments were directed towards your

Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> But hey, Thanks for the eye roll, the "gasp" and the lecture, it's been
> great!

My pleasure!  I aim to please!  ;-)

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