Nonreality;339915 Wrote: 
> "you think it's shocking that I would recommend a proper archival format
> as opposed to a lossy one?"  So which is it?  Archive or sound quality?
> Archive was your response this time.  I also recommend Flac for the
> reason of archival.  Plus the sound is great. 
> You seem to like sarcasm as well my friend.  The day that you can prove
> you can hear crappy sound from a 320 mp3 or tell the difference between
> it and a flac file is a day that I'll buy you a drink.  It's great for
> you to say this and claim that mp3's are so bad in a forum, but to
> prove it is another.  But I know that this is as far as it will go and
> you'll feel like you have accomplished something.
> I'm game here, does anyone else want to take bets on this, that
> Enochlight can tell the difference between a 320 mp3 and a flac file on
> a sony shelf system.  I have no idea of the outcome but I'm willing to
> lay down a bet.  I say he can't and using the typical double blind test
> of 20 tracks and using foobar to do it, would be fine.  This could be
> fun and no hard feelings, just a small wager between friends.  I'll
> also totally trust him to set the test up with a witness or two.

Your own posts seems to be laced with the same amount of sarcasm, which
is the only reason I dished it back at you.  I would agree that it has
become tiresome.

Would there be a challenge in telling the difference between a 320kbps
encoded mp3 and FLAC on a Sony bookshelf system?  I would be a naive to
say no.  I admit that it can be difficult to most ears, however; in my
past experience - I can, in fact, tell the difference between FLAC and
it's brethren in mp3.  Yes, Nonreality, my ears are *that* good.  ;-) 
Take some things into consideration - I'm speaking from experience on
my own systems and my own experience with my personal library.  I have
heard some of the tracks on my collection so many times (thousands)
that it's easy for me to tell that disc encoded in mp3 versus FLAC.

As for a blind test, I'd be game but I don't think it would be possible
to set up an environment that would please you or anyone else here for
testing.  I no longer own my Sony bookshelf system (which is why my
comments carried merit IMHO), and aside from a Boom I don't think I own
anything that could be used fairly in a blind test.

I suppose you'll just have to take my word on this one.

As for me saying FLAC sounds better than mp3 or FLAC is great for
archiving, yes I said both and will happily admit to such.  I think
anyone and everyone here would agree.  

Also, please understand that none of my posts here meant to carry
hostility towards you.  If you feel that way then I apologize.  But
remember - my initial response was because I was under the impression
that you were sarcastically making derogatory references to my original
post.  Now that you have stated that those were directed towards your
friend... you and I are all good.  Aren't we?  ;-)

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