Robin Bowes;366978 Wrote: 
> maxrob200 wrote:
> > It is interesting to note that by posting an opinion that I have now
> > been relegated to the "imagining things" category. As mentioned
> > earlier, it was not so long ago that the general belief was that all
> > cables sounded the same or all that an amplifier had to do was
> > demonstrate " straight wire with gain", so why not differences in
> the
> > digital domain due to unforseen variables.
> maxrob200,
> There's a world of difference between:
> 1. hearing a difference between .wav and .flac
> 2. "hearing" a difference when your SB is connected to Squeezecenter
> via 
> a switch vs. direct connection.
> I don't personally hear (1) myself, although I've not done extensive 
> testing, but I don't dismiss it as impossible; highly unlikely, IMHO, 
> but not impossible.
> (2) is just not possible. Let me attempt an analogy.
> You, Sean, and myself are all sitting at a table with our laptops. They
> are not connected in anyway.
> I have an image file I want to send to you.
> Consider these two scenarios:
> 1. I write the file onto a USB key and slide it across the table to
> you. 
> You read the file from the key and view it on your computer.
> 2. I write the file onto a USB key and slide it across the table to
> Sean 
> who then slides it to you. You read the file from the key and view it
> on 
> your computer.
> Do you think your computer will process the image file any differently
> in scenario (2) than it will in scenario (1)? Would you expect the
> image 
> file to look any different in scenario (2) than it will in scenario
> (1)?
> I am Squeezecenter.
> You are a Squeezebox.
> Sean is a switch.
> R.

Hate to clue you but #1 and #2 are identical and purely imagined.


XP > Cat5 > Transporter > SPDIF > Meridian G68 > DSP6000, DSP5500HC,
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian DSP5000
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian G91 > DSP5000

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